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Drop Off and Pick Up

As always, we ask that parents and families adhere to all traffic regulations, signs, and the direction of staff, as well as practice PATIENCE and SAFETY when dropping off and picking up students. We know you would agree that student safety is our #1 priority and we thank you for your help!

SLOW DOWN. BE PRESENT and ALERT, and PREPARE in advance to arrive at school on time.

School begins at 8:00 am each day. Arriving at school at 8:00 am is considered late.

Breakfast will be served from 7:40 - 7:55. Students must enter through the YELLOW Gate.

***Students may NOT arrive before 7:40 am as there is NO SUPERVISION***

Please help us ensure the safety of our students, staff, and families. By following the below Before and After School expectations, you can help us to cultivate a calm and safe morning and afternoon experience for our entire community.

  • FRONT LOT is for staff parking and the loading and unloading of buses ONLYFamilies are not be permitted to drive into the front lot to drop off or pick up students. Parents may park on Browning and walk students to the front of their gate.



Arrival - Dropping a student from the street is dangerous and not permitted. Please use the side lot if you prefer to drop your child off without an adult getting out of the car.

  • U-turns in the middle of the street or in the school entrance are illegal and disrupt the flow of traffic.

  • The front parking lot is for BUSES ONLY. Parents are not permitted to park in the front lot before or after school.

As a reminder, California State Law requires that all children under 8 years of age or under 4’9” in height use a recommended booster seat in the rear of the vehicle.


Parents may drop students off in the lower parking lot, using the systems facilitated by school staff:

  • School gates OPEN at 7:50 am and close promptly at 8:00 am.

  • Upon arrival, students must be ready to exit the vehicle safely and promptly (exit to the RIGHT at all times)

  • Cars: PULL ALL THE WAY FORWARD in drop-off lines in order for staff to safely unload multiple cars at one time.

  • If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m., he/she must go to the School Office and pick up a tardy slip before entering campus.

  • At 7:50 a.m. the RED Gate (Grades 1st-5th) and BLUE Gate (TK/K) will open. Students should walk directly to their designated area.

NOTE: Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy, and will need to enter campus via the school office.

Safety Reminder: When dropping off or picking up students, we ask that all adults observe the posted signs, cones, and labeled spaces in the upper and lower parking lots. In addition, please respect the posted staff members who monitor our students’ safety before and after school. It is imperative that all adults not only follow these rules but interact with staff and other adults in a respectful manner. Thank you!


After School Dismissal:

TK/Kindergarten: Parents who are not utilizing the carline for student pick-up must pick their students up at the Gate. TK/Kindergarten students are NOT permitted to exit campus alone. Students who attend Catalyst Kids or Catalyst EXL will be escorted to a meeting spot by an adult and picked up by a Catalyst Kids staff, who will walk them to Catalyst Kids. Parents who are not utilizing the carline for student pick-up may park on Browning or in the neighborhood (NO school parking available - NO EXCEPTIONS)

Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: Parents who are not utilizing the carline for student pick-up may park on Browning or in the neighborhood (NO school parking available - NO EXCEPTIONS) and pick students up from the YELLOW or RED Gate beginning at 2:38 (1:24 Weds. only).

As always, we ask that parents and families adhere to all traffic regulations, signs, and the direction of the staff while practicing PATIENCE and SAFETY when dropping off and picking up students.

Nelson Arrival and Dismissal Map

Map provides a visual describing the above content at Nelson for arrivals and dismissals.