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School Volunteer Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement


Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Nelson School. Interacting with students provides parents/guardians a unique opportunity to inspire kids by serving as a role model for them. Modeling positive behavior helps create a positive environment where students feel safe and cared for and where they can develop learning and behavioral skills they will use for the rest of their lives. One way volunteers can model respect for our Tigers is by maintaining their confidentiality while working in the school. 

Maintaining confidentiality is critical in maintaining the comfort and safety and privacy of all of our students.

As a volunteer at Nelson Elementary, I will adhere to the following:

·         Sign in and out of the office and wear a visitor lanyard or sticker at all times.

·         Respect the privacy of all children by keeping observations, experiences and information confidential.

·         Respond impartially with students regardless of background, ability, physical or emotional maturity.

·         Refrain from discussing a student’s progress or behavior with others.

·         Refrain from photographing, touching, or reprimanding children.

·         Model positive behaviors by using respectful, encouraging and appropriate language when speaking with adults and students; remain calm and polite at all times.

·         Maintain confidentiality of Nelson staff members.

·         Kindly refrain from any and all discriminatory actions, words or gestures against students and staff.

Thank you for supporting our school in this capacity! We appreciate you!

Print Volunteer Name: ___________________________________________________________

Signature:____________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Child Name: ________________________ Grade:_____ Teacher:______________
Child Name: ________________________ Grade:_____ Teacher:______________
Child Name: ________________________ Grade:_____ Teacher:______________

Online Volunteer Form